How to get pets?

To knock them out, you need to open the eggs that are in the Geode worlds, starting from the second shooting gallery, respectively, and in 5 they are also there. The more uber, the greater the chance of finding them.

They are located in dead ends, you need to run to its end to find it. It is worth understanding that not every dead end has them, even if it is 5 shooting galleries.

There are 3 degrees of rarity:

Ordinary. You will get 10 points for activating itTrove of skill and 50 Geode skill points. Unusual. You will get 20 points for activating it Trove of skill and 100 Geode skill points.

Rare. For activating it, you will receive 50 Trove Skill Points and 250 Geode Skill Points. There are only three rarities of eggs:

Bronze (2-5 dashes, pets of any rarity can fall out),

Silver (3-5 dashes, pets of ordinary and rare quality fall out of them)

Gold (are only in 5 dashes, rare pets fall).To open them, you need an Egg workbench Incubator (at the beginning of the guide there is a description of where it is located).

Here you can also use Lode Star and Accelerite (they are created in the Crystalogy Workbench.

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