
350 Million Flux (PC/Mac) New 2023 Offer



80 in stock

SKU: 5681 Categories: ,


Buying this offer you will get 350 million of flux.

card +5% additional VAT

Flux is a common material in Trove. By purchasing this product, you get a discount of 8%.

Flux is a common material in Trove. It is used to upgrade items at the Forge, change stats at the Chaos Forge, purchase Troves of Wonders from the Weaver of Wonders, and craft a variety of items. It is also used as the main official currency in the game’s marketplace tab. Flux is shown in a ratio to determine how valuable each unit of an item listed in a group is; ratios appear as.

Obtained by:

  • Breaking down equipment at the Loot Collector
  • Can be dropped by killing the enemies from Shadow Invasions, the random encounters where Shadow Giants enemies fall from the sky.
  • Opening Chaos Chest
  • Opening Lesser Dragon Cache
  • Opening Titan’s Treasure
  • Loot collecting  Megaflux Tank
  • Completing 25 dungeons with Flux folio equipped
  • Destroying Party Animal
  • Selling items in the marketplace
  • Trading
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