Trove Currency

Currency is a measurement of wealth in Trove. There are many types of currency that exist in Trove either by in-game or trade currency. There are various types of currency that are used by the players to buy items in the Store or trade other players with. The two store currencies are Cubits and Credits, and they’re unable to be traded between players. The main player-to-player trading currencies are Glim and Flux, but just about anything can be offered up, such as Chaos Chests.

Players also tend to use Flux and Infinium as currency, since neither Cubits nor Credits can be freely traded.  Trades for Flux and Infinium should always be done with a Trading Post to prevent being scammed. The conversion rate for Flux and Infinium trades fluctuate frequently, so ask for current going rates from a few reliable sources before completing a deal.

The final form of currency is Glim.  Players get Glim from defeating enemies, opening chests, & destroying grass.  They can then use the Glim to craft items, benches, or trade pirates for allies & recipes.  Lead Developer Avarem has stated that Fishing, when added, will be the best way to farm for Glim.

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